Using Visual Content to Increase Bookings

While browsing vacation rentals on Vrbo,, Airbnb, and other vacation rental listing sites, travelers click on certain properties for the same reason they skip past others: visual content. Visual content builds trust. Research shows that within a 30-day shopping window, vacation rental shoppers flip through an average of more than 400 photos while browsing […]
What Guests Want During COVID-19

Flexibility has always been a necessity in the short-term vacation rental industry. In 2020, though, that’s been more true than ever as vacation rental property managers and travelers have been forced to reevaluate what really matters. Months of uncertainty at the beginning of the pandemic eventually gave way to stabilization; restrictions loosened in […]
How Much Should You Earn from Your Vacation Rentals?

The income your vacation properties generate has a floor and a ceiling: how much money you should be making is a lot different than how much money you could be making The vacation-rental market is more competitive than ever, and the data necessary to determine the possibilities on that spectrum can be downright dizzying. […]
A Quick Refresher on Multi-Channel Distribution

Though it can be an extremely complicated arena, the short-term rental industry really boils down to a pair of critical metrics: exposure and revenue. Property managers can’t simply open their doors and expect bookings to flood their calendars. Rentals need to be listed on travel sites, of course, and those listings need to be […]
The Key to a Post-Quarantine Boom: Flexible Policies

With parts of the country opening up piece by piece, travelers are hitting the road in search of adventures outside their homes. But they’re not being reckless: safety, trust, and flexibility remain top priorities as families and friends try to navigate the still-uncertain landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can learn more about what guests […]
Expedia Travel Packages for Vacation Rental Property Managers

Expedia has worked diligently to become the most well-known, most powerful marketing machine site for travel packages. They offer a full suite of bundle options called Expedia Travel Packages (flight/accommodation, flight/car, hotel/car, and flight/accommodation/car). Their consistency of pricing, global coverage, and ease of use make Expedia the favorite site for package travelers. Vacation […]
3 Ways to Get More Bookings on Expedia &

Vacation rental property managers who want to get more bookings on Expedia and have numerous different strategies at their disposal. Unfortunately, though, many of these tools get lost in the shuffle of day-to-day responsibilities as property managers juggle time crunches, pandemic concerns, and staff shortages that are affecting the entire hospitality industry. But […]
How to Choose the Best Channel Manager for Your Vacation Rental Business (5 Quick Tips!)

In recent years, the growing popularity of channel managers in the short-term vacation rental industry has led to: > A robust marketplace with more channel manager products than ever before > More vacation rental property managers scratching their heads and wondering, “What is the best channel manager for vacation rentals?” Before we answer […]
How to List a Rental Property: 5 Easy Steps to Create the Perfect Vacation Rental Listing

Vacation rental listings are a property manager’s most powerful marketing tool. These days, though, listing rental properties on Expedia,, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, and Vrbo can be daunting: short-term rentals are booming on all the top travel sites, so how do you make your rentals stand out? The good news is that even though […]
Did You Know? VacayHome Connect has an A+ Accreditation from the Better Business Bureau—Here’s Why That’s Important

As the premier connectivity and distribution partner for the vacation rental industry, VacayHome Connect takes a tremendous amount of pride in leading by example. That’s why VacayHome Connect has an A+ accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. But why is that important? For more than a century, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) […]